This past weekend, I spent over 24 hours with teenagers at a massive convention designed to fire these teens up for the Lord, give them an opportunity to set their life right before the Lord, and also express their talents and gifts in competition. My husband and I both volunteer with our youth group because for us, our own youth groups were vital parts of our Christian walk. I spent the majority of my senior year with a group of "Jesus Freaks" (because THAT was when that song FIRST came out!) and a few older people who tried to pour as much of their lives into ours, help us in our walk and challenge us to be more like Christ.
This weekend reminded me how AMAZING those people are who served for my time in high school, because let me tell you, I feel very, Very, VERY old after this weekend.
You might be saying, "Wait, Steph, I know how old you are. You are not THAT old. Get over it." All true, all true. But, I have got to say, there was more than one time this weekend where I couldn't sit in the big group session, because my head could not take the LOUDNESS OF THE MUSIC that was coming from those speakers!
What is wrong with me? I used to be so cool and hip, but man, I had this horrible feeling of being tired, feeling old, and just wanting a really long, good nap.
That was until... Until I took a look at our teens who were at this convention - arms raised in full surrender, praising God; some weeping with joy, some weeping because God was dealing with them in a mighty way; some even being challenged about their future, their calling, and whether God was saying to them, "I want you for ministry to my church!"
This humbled and reminded me of my senior year, when I was just a young, punk teenage girl who thought that she could get away with ANYTHING, because she was a student leader in her own youth group. It humbled me, because it was a few adult leaders at that youth group that took me and all of my problems under their own wings and helped me to see God's will for my life. They challenged me, affirmed me, and prayed for me - some even praying for me still years later.
The words "Thank You," are not even close to enough. The only words that one day will be told these people are "Well done, good and faithful servant." And I know that they will hear those words, because this weekend challenged me to be more like them, once again, because they are still consistently being like Christ.
Ministry is hard and tough. It requires time of extreme headaches and backaches. Sometimes, like in the case of Paul, it requires snake bites, shipwrecks, beatings, and being left for dead. Know that the refreshment is in the reward of seeing people - young people, old people, middle-aged people confess with their mouth that Jesus is Lord, watch them change their life around, and see them live lives that are completely and totally for God. This refreshes my soul more than anything else. It humbles me that I have been brought to this point in my journey where I get to see the harvest and the seed grow. All glory and praise to God, our Father, our Savior and our Sealer of Salvation!
Ditto... that's all I can say.
ReplyDeleteI appreciate you Stephanie. Thanks for the post. :) -Nate